No matter how astute and well put together you seem, in life and in death (as we’re seeing unfold right before our eyes in the world of popular culture), two things in life (and death) I swear by [as being] paramount, matter most and you must be shrewd and unapologetic about overseeing [are]:
People in your life with, and around you. Do interpersonal inventory. Check up on these people by seeing to it-they are and can properly represent AND present you when you are not around to do so yourself.
As well…
In death: You need to be able to thoroughly speak for yourself when you die even if no one is around or there to represent you. PUT IT IN WRITING.
As we are witnessing legacies being torn from peddle to post (and peddlers): evidence of several hundred of Prince’s estranged relatives, alleged relatives, alleged love children, incarcerated loved children like (Carlin Q. Williams) –and others coming from near and far to claim a piece of the singer’s fortune he lived and worked for only to die from and because of; if that isn’t a clear enough indicator that whether we have an amass of wealth or not, things must be in order and we must plan for death like we live for life.
Such is true too, (and being played out right in front of our eyes): Owner of Tupac’s estate, the (now late) mother of the late Tupac-resting in anything but in peace: (reportedly) having her body claimed and picked up from the morgue from the very man she’s been trying to divorce for a couple years now (Pastor Gust Davis)-the very same man who (reportedly) has been trying to get his hands on a monthly payout and countless other things tied to the estate of the deceased Tupac’s now deceased mother (who, by the way, was survived by a half and full sister of Tupac’s).
As we speak, reportedly, her body is being claimed, cremated, and on its way back with the very man she was estranged from.
If one thing Tupac admired Prince for was his love of women and something Tupac dreamed of—he and Prince partying one night with loads of women on record for having stated [quote] ” “Sometimes I be wanting to call Prince like ‘can we hang’ cause I love women like you love women’” [end quote] …said the Gemini or the other Gemini born 9 days from him.
Right about now however, outside of having that in common, they’re most probably looking down on what a mess each’s legacies sewn in blood, sweat and tears has now become as
Spitfire .
Media Maestro .
Writing Rhinoceros .