As private a life as Prince had, with an iron clad legal team with the daily, daunting task of scouring the Internet making sure thy royal highnesses will be done—that his music dare not become apart of this free world music filing sharing 95% of artists are slaves to, and that Prince fought in many ways even before the Internet age not to be apart of] one would think thy literal will would be done, in the event of death, too.
Manadatory Credit: Photo by Brian Rasic / Rex Features (396812dh)
Such wasn’t the case and (as you may or may not have heard), the Minnesota native’s growing, estimated estate of $250 million and all that he’s worked (and fought for) may just be scattered about like the ashes of his body—at the discretion of his estranged sister Tyka Nelson and nephew that have it that too, is left with no
instructions on if, or where he wishes to be spread.
Yes, believe it or not, according to Minnesota law Prince’s everything could be left in the hand’s of siblings he had no known, (and proven/on record) close, personal relationship with, ones he doesn’t know, (and) up to and including: An alleged 30 year-old son currently being patted down, searched, syringed and courted by a Los Angeles based geneaological investigation company called Heir Hunters-said to be the love child conceived in the 80 early into the singer’s career-mother unknown.
As well out these woodworks-additional relatives with [quote] legitimate claims and backstories [end quote] claiming to be heirs of Prince’s late father, jazz musician John Nelson who died August 25, 2001.

Reportedly John Hilbert of Heir Hunters is on record as saying that their phones have been set ablaze since the death of the 57 year-old singer passed so sudden and unexpectedly in the worse ways: in the hearts of his fans, and to the detriment of all his hard work being scattered about literally in vain all because of a state law.
Just so you know, under Minnesota state law, with no known will to be found as yet, ANY sibling of Prince’s (half or full) is state-law legal eligible inherit his vast estate but if his ex-fiance, and close, personal friend, drummer Sheila Escovedo a.k.a Sheila E has it, this cash cow and terrible situation of her best friend and ex’s life’s work will NOT be scattered about in vain—rightfully EFFING so!
It is unfortunate that with so much at stake, it’s easy to say that Escovedo, who asserts her involvement in this matter is not about his money but rather, for protection of his hard work (which to-given all he fought Warner Brothers for), as well, can quite possibly land in the hands of the highest bidder or at worst: anyone’s just for the asking.

It would just be terrible is Sheila E. did not step in and do JUST what she is doing now.
Prince would smoke in his own urn’s ashes if she didn’t.
This all is about to get really, really ugly.
On Tuesday of this week, Prince‘s sister Tyka, who says the Let’s Go Crazy superstar thinks she’s “just crazy,” filed to be appointed executor of Prince’s estate which currently, until this mess is sorted out, is in the hands of the bank with which Prince has done business with for years: Bremer.
When death comes too early, chaos reigns in its wake. During times like these we must rise above the dusk and sorrow and seek a higher plane where peace, love, joy and celebration overcomes the emptiness, and shines a light upon the darkness.
With the passing of Prince, my friend, my knight, and my everlasting ally, I, along with millions of you, search for words and ways to make sense of the senselessness that this reality presents to us. How do we mourn? How do we express? How do we accept such a deep loss to our musical past, present, and future? As we will someday begin the process of acceptance and overcome the fear of letting go, what can we take with us to remind us of the light that shine so bright among us?
Gratefully, this path has already been blazed for us, in Platinum and Gold
no less. It is a path that is broad and welcoming. It is a path that transcends race, politics, age, orientation, gender, genre and other limitations that we place on our thinking and ourselves. It is a path of joy, and sorrow, Diamonds and Pearls. It touches upon every emotion we are blessed to Experience. It is a path of melody and mirth. Of angst and anger. Of conflict and resolution, sometimes through a call of Revolution. It’s not my effort to be clever, or even creative, in the above paragraph. It is only meant to share my sorrow, and my solace, in the music which we all love, and loved Prince for creating. Through his music, we were able to express what seemed impossible to say. Through his creativity, we were able to imagine and dream the incredible, to create a new reality. Through his hard work and determination, we were able to believe in the ability to overcome those obstacle set before us.Prince was a Visionary. A Dreamer and a Believer. But most of all, he believed in those whom his music touched. To watch him perform was, as he encouraged, “To see the dawn.” There was a new-ness, a freshness, a coolness that seemed to exude from his every pore. I’ve been asked, “What was it like to create and perform music with Prince? ” My rebuttal was usually a tongue in cheek, “Ask him what it was like to create and perform with me.” It’s an answer that he would understand because it comes from the boldness that he played a part of instilling in me. I will share with you now, that the truth is, I never knew what it was like, creating with Prince. In truth, each time was different, constantly evolving. To describe one experience as an example of them all, would only serve to reduce the significance of the others. And as Prince would say, “That ain’t cool.” And that is the essence of Prince and the legacy of the music he leaves for us to enjoy. His music is different, each time, in the most magical of ways. I close wishing each of you Peace, Love, and Joy in your celebration of Prince’s life. Through his music he achieved the eternal. Through your love and support of him; past, present and future, he will remain our Prince. May your heart shine shades of Purple, 4ever.
I know mine will.
Sheila E.