war brewing and Brittney had balled their nuptials up and tossed it in the trash.
She (Brittney) released the following statement:
“Last Wednesday, Glory and I agree to either legally separate, get divorced, or annul our marriage. I can confirm that today I filed for an annulment. In the week prior to the wedding, I attempted to postpone the wedding several times until I completed counseling, but still went through with it. I now realize that was a mistake.”
It’s like the laws of physics (and too, hard core proof of the miscommunication and shenanigans of Mercury in Retrograde were under through ‘til June 11): Two things or people can’t occupy the same space at the same time doing the same exact things. And obviously both women were on two different wavelengths (despite picture proof of what else was cooking):
You see, what-had-happened was…somewhere in this thing-a-ma-jig, Glory comes up pregnant and too (June 4-three days ago), posted a pick of Brittney laying on her stomach with a caption:
What would we do without the real-time, real-sh|t that goes down on social media?
Because while Glory was posting that and on that page of this saga, she must not have gotten word that Brittney had filed to get the marriage annulled citing “fraud”-stating she was pressured into marriage via alleged threats (and ultimatums?) made by Glory all the way to the alter. Was that “pressure” the fact that it is Glory that claimed “victim” in this fight and was holding charges on the shelf over Brittney’s tall head?
In considering the pic posted with Griner laying on her stomach, seeing as though Glory was on one side of the stratosphere feeling one thing, while Brittney was out in the world doing actually doing another; that meant the Tulsa Shock player had to send a statement regard her finding out through the grapevine [that] Brittney no longer was going to be hers.
Via Glory’s sports rep, the following was stated:
“Glory was unaware of the filing and still loves and cares for Brittney. Glory loves Brittney and made a huge sacrifice to carry a child, put a career on hold, to invest in their relationship and future. As a result, she won’t be playing this season. Glory wouldn’t intentionally do anything to hurt Brittney and has tried her best to protect her marriage. Obviously this marriage was about them staring a life together. Glory is the sweetest thing in the world and she was dedicated to their partnership. She knows how important marriage is and made a lifetime commitment and decision to spend the rest of her life with Brittney.”
Notice I said [Glory] “comes up pregnant” rather than: “The two got pregnant” because let’s face it: The jig is up.
With it reportedly being stated [quote] “Griner says she has NO biological connection to the baby … and she doesn’t know any of the key details about Johnson’s pregnancy” [unquote] it’s obvious these two didn’t go the traditional route of the typical, serious, lesbian couple: IVR (and other methods outside of copulation and relations between a man and a woman).
It’s not hard to connect these dots (despite the mixed messages).
To suggest and state: “Glory loves Brittney and made a huge sacrifice to carry a child, put a career on hold, to invest in their relationship and future. As a result, she won’t be playing this season” …without a doubt would lead us to believe that Glory’s pregnancy was the result of some anonymous sperm donor and that the couple went hand-in-hand to a specialist, got the procedure done and walked out into a kind of sunset.
Why the big fight though-that led to both their arrests? (which, despite the obvious pooch/belly bump in Glory’s wedding dress, they claim Glory wasn’t pregnant with the child on that April 22nd day of the fight)…
With Brittney rushing to get the marriage annulled, and too, her “knowing nothing about the key details of Johnson’s pregnancy,” did Glory tell Brittney she (alone) high-tailed it