The Value of Time Like Money: Apps (Or Ways) To Manage It


a regular, part-time (less than 39/more than 20 hr per week job) and trying to run a home business/dedicate time to my writing etc., In addition to the price of gas, I once calculated the time it would take mTime wastinge to get ready for work, through to the time it took for me to get there (I was working 5 out of 7 days).

Well, in order for me to get to work on time, I would have to be getting ready 2 whole hours before I was due to clock in. The more serious about, productive and busy with my own little business I became, that 2 hours x 5 days per week stuck out at me like a sore thumb. I wanted my time (and money I was wasting) back.

(*say this next paragraph Scandal-fast):

[So] I did a time management overhaul (sort of like I did when, despite with the pay being somewhat commensurate with ‘education’): I gave up working office/professional/corporate jobs requiring me to dress “casual” and “business casual” only to cost me a total of about $200-400 per month for:

  • shoes
  • purses
  • clothes shopping
  • dry cleaning

….only to come home and tango with the perception of neighbors (feeling you must have it really going on) from taking some of my most productive hours from me, pulling up in my pretty shiny car at 6p with a little bit of sun left to shine on me—all for a job I had NO interest in moving up the corporate ladder in (but rather), only interested in making my money to help finance my own business.Sharebuilder_CapitalOneInvesting

So between the time it took to get ready to get there 5 days per week x 5 days per week’s worth of gas and the money I was spending losing (considering the fact that I’m an entrepreneur), that just didn’t make sense to me.

So to start out with a better plan more beneficial to my self, I started with first humbling myself, and when I glitter gold starremoved all 3 of those bullet points, I was down to Timberland boots and jeans (and although a little less money per hour), considering my ability to work anytime around the clock, that enabled me to spend more time on my own endeavors with, (still) a little bit of coins stuffed, saved and loaded into my Sharebuilder/Capital One Investing account enough to wrestle with the Monday through Friday NYSE/NASDAQ/DOW/S&P’s markets to make the little money I had multiply…………………………NOT TO MENTION: I looked at my new “other work” life as getting paid to exercise–I burned 1700-3500 calories per work night. Suddenly sitting on my a$$ all day in a room full of catty women trying to out-dress my 6-8 inch heeled, TJ Maxx Shopping, “business casual” sharp ass while trying to out-Kathy Van Zeeland bag me wasn’t something I missed.Time management apps

So when time and money overhaul #2 came with that, (where I cut that wasted 10 hrs/5 out of 7 days out-down to 2-3 long hour days) I won my time back while being able to live, maintain and spend time on my creative/business endeavors.

Nowadays however, with technology being at the forefront and in our faces there are dozens of apps claiming to save us all time and money whether that be via shopping (grocery, retail, personal/professional business or otherwise), either way; it all adds up to/fall under the category of promises to save us time and money.

Have you ever debated

Author: OSFMagWriter

Spitfire . Media Maestro . Writing Rhinoceros .