About Last Night’s #SB50 : Were We To Simply “Believe In Love” …Or Accept An LGBT Agenda?

SUPERBOWL HOMOSEXUALITYBacked by the colors of the rainbow, although last nights “Believe in Love” message merely was a sweet, three word sentiment that made many feel warm and fuzzy, others supposed there was an even bigger message behind the three words.

With the American flag representing America (its colors being red, white and blue + 13 stars in the corner), the pink flag or pyramid representative of the lesbian flag, and the rainbow flag representative of the LGBT community, many people took offense to it.

The fact that the “Believe in Love” human rainbow sector circled the stadium like such-in conjunction with the words “Believe in Love,” it got others so upset that they mere charged Super 50’s Pepsi Halftime Show to a game: An agenda push on homosexuality.

When it comes to color, unfortunately, without the addition of colors like: brown, black, and white, other than a rainbow, there really is no other way to use colors to symbolically represent all [colors] of people.

superbowl-party1Typically (especially at such American, live, televised, public events like such and so as to avoid political and social negative feedback) “a rainbow” would be regarded as a general representation of colors of all people (versus promoting a rainbow flag-in sole support of LGBT).

Considering the Super Bowl is regarded as a “family show” + the Super Bowl committee’s strict crackdown on who they invite to perform (to avoid backlash from the public and FCC), was the NFL promoting LGBT (or was the human rainbow sectors simply representative of people of all colors versus a homosexuality agenda push).

People are literally sensitive to LGBT inclusion right now. With transgender and LGBT being “out there” now more than ever day by day in sectors of life as being one, big inclusion network; it should would be no surprise to turn and be hit with a message like such.

Whereas years ago LGBT was taboo and hidden, it’s not too far a stretch that even the Super Bowl was “including” the LGBT community on a nationwide, live platform [to send a message of inclusion?].

While there are no answers, there are indeed suppositions and upset. And unfortunately, (for many others) the message flat out represented LGBT acceptance and well…they didn’t appreciate it.


Author: OSFMagWriter

Spitfire . Media Maestro . Writing Rhinoceros .