TYRA BANKS’ Confirmation of Sequel to “LIFE-SIZED” Brings Larger Than Life MILEY CYRUS Down to Size
Here of late, Miley Cyrus may have been running around television and social media rolling her tongue out… twerking… …
OSFMagWriter 11 years ago
‘I AM LEGEND’ in Limbo: WILL SMITH Mobbed By Paris Crowd During Fashion Week
Well if you ever wondered whether or not the title of his movie was true for him or no, let…
OSFMagWriter 11 years ago
DRAKE Double-Dutied & Dominated SNL While Zamata Held Her Own, Definitely
If you were any living body last night, January 18, 2014, you know that rapper Drake, who served double-duty…
OSFMagWriter 11 years ago