Search Results for: jay

Posted in ALL write-ups, blogs, and pods at Music: Rap Culture Music: RnB Culture

BEYONCE in her Baby Bump & Briefs in the Buff: Nearly Three Years Later BEY Z Lets Us All Behind Their Life On The Run

Unless you live under a rock, then you know that Roc Nation head: rapper Jay Z, along with his R&B…

Posted in ALL write-ups, blogs, and pods at Entertainment: New Music Music: Jazz Music: Pop Culture Music: Soft Rock / Alternative

{New Music / Flavor in Your Ear} ANNIE LENNOX: Nostalgia

    You’d have to know and love all genre’s and era’s to appreciate this next artist’s great music, but…

Posted in ALL write-ups, blogs, and pods at Entertainment: Sports culture Music: Pop Culture

Ri-Ri Says “F-U” To CBS T-V

With the exception of Tiger Woods with Nike (who stood by him during his time of trysts and transgressions), celebrities…