Birthday Shin Digs & Bad Table Manners: MAMA DEE Cleared of Dine & Dash + LL COOL J’s Son NAJEE Scuffles w/Restaurant Staff ?
Beds, tables, and lives come by special invitation-places at which once extended, a certain kind respect and mutual understanding is…
OSFMagWriter 9 years ago
BLUE IVY CARTER Is Her Own Rockstar…Who Can Handle Her Own Fans…And Can Graciously Watch Her Mommy Be A Rockstar…Among Her Mommy’s Fan’s
It baffles me when people say they can remember things that happened as far back as 3 and 4 years…
OSFMagWriter 9 years ago
George Zimmerman Retweets Pic of His Handiwork on Killing Trayvon Martin Dead + Ways and Why He’ll Never Reveal The Private Hell He’s Suffering & Why You Should Leave Him The Hell Alone
After harassing, and cruisin’ for that bruisin’ he was asking for and still, three years later, feeling the sting…
OSFMagWriter 9 years ago