Fall From Grace To Gutter: Is SCANDAL’s COLUMBUS SHORT Dating “Superhead?” + Why Dating A Man Who Is At, Or Hits Rock Bottom Backfires
Well for sure, we know now, that being a strategic, quick thinking “Gladiator” was all an act as, the…
OSFMagWriter 9 years ago
Tigerblooded CHARLIE SHEEN To Announce On TODAY SHOW He’s HIV POSITIVE (And Undetectable) + Is Being Undetectable Even Possible?
Early this morning, OSF favorite wild guy Charlie Sheen is expected to appear on the Today Show to announce…
OSFMagWriter 9 years ago
Pigtailed Pretend-Scientist on NCIS PAULEY PERRETTE Brutally Attacked By Transient Near Her Home in Los Angeles
Now this is one that definitely requires some dissecting if I should say so myself. NCIS star (who plays “Abby”-…
OSFMagWriter 9 years ago