DAVID SPADE Says PRES. OBAMA Is “Thirsty” + Why OBAMA Is The U.S Presidency’s Social Media 1st “Crash Test Dummy”
David Spade was caught out there in the mean streets—being mean…calling a spade a spade (let him tell it). Leaving…
OSFMagWriter 9 years ago
Knocked Out & Looking At Sunday From Both Ways: Old Woman Punches Man For Pinching Her Bottom
My mom had a way with words like nobody you ever knew. She was one of the most charming, funniest,…
OSFMagWriter 9 years ago
Kid Throws Rip-Roaring Hissy Fit At Getting WWE 2K15 (Rather That WWE 2K16)
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=QcmA4rwW0FY So much for the dainty tree, and dim Christmas lights by the fireplace at 12:01 a.m. when cute, squealing,…
OSFMagWriter 9 years ago