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Posted in #AngFrankPodcast full podcasts ALL write-ups, blogs, and pods at CH1: Food, Recipes, Info & for All Things Food CH2: Offbeat News, Our World & The People Of It CH3: Lifestyle/Fashion (Women) CH4: Lifestyle/Fashion (Men) CH5: Games | Shop CH6: Money/Business Tips, Gems, Hacks, and Resources for a better quality of life + other informative news you can use! CH7: Mind/Body/Spirit, Empowerment, Encouragement, Motivation, Realistic, Or Metaphysical Stances & Other Feel-Good Things CH8: Dating, Sex, Intimacy, Love and Relationship Reality Checks Entertainment (non-music) Entertainment: "Buzz" Entertainment: "For the Record" Entertainment: Broadway Entertainment: Fatalities in Popular Culture Entertainment: Gossip Entertainment: Groupies Entertainment: Hot Button Topics Entertainment: Lists Entertainment: Movies (Dvd, Big Screen) Entertainment: New Music Entertainment: On The Big Screen Entertainment: OnDa Cover & In Between Entertainment: Out & About Entertainment: Petty File Entertainment: Popular Culture (Lifestyles, Social Media, Worldwide Popular Culture) Entertainment: Popular Culture (Reality Television) Entertainment: Popular News Entertainment: Random Jam Sessions Entertainment: Sports culture Entertainment: Television news Entertainment: Television Shows, Talk Shows, Sitcoms, Dramas, Made for TV Movies Entertainment: The Faux Pas Files Entertainment: Throwback Thursday #TBT Entertainment: When Stars or Fans Get Out of Hand Friend-Girl Files Files Friend-Guy Files Genius Sh!t Intermissions / short commentary accompanying blogs Music: Country Music: Funk and Roll Music: House/Dance-Party Music: Jazz Music: Latin/Salsa Music: Non-Secular Culture Music: Pop Culture Music: Rap Culture Music: Reggae Music: RnB Culture Music: Rock Culture Music: Soft Rock / Alternative Music: Unsigned Celebs Doing Music Music: Unsigned Hype OSF: Sponsored post (basic)_Universal Studios◦ OtherSideoftheFame Advertisement◦ OtherSideoftheFame Sponsored #ads◦ OtherSideoftheFame Sponsored content post (written) by OSF_20th Century Fox◦ OtherSideoftheFame Sponsored post (basic)_ABC◦ SPIELS: Commentary on selected headlines in the news (a thread) SPIELS: Write-Ups on selected headlines Teens Turning Up z

This Isn’t UNITED AIRLINES’ First Time Having A Bizarre Event Like Such Having Happened

Whether United Airline is out here playing into the popular, perpetual, new brand of publicity and in your face version…

Posted in ALL write-ups, blogs, and pods at

ASHTON KUTCHER On Capital Hill Fighting For Age Consent Laws, MILO YIANNOPOLOUS Under Scrutiny For Advocating Under Age Sex, LISA MARIE PRESSLEY’s Husband Found With ‘Disturbing Media Involving Kids’, UBER Office Riddled With Sexual, Unchecked, Inappropriateness Toward Female Employees

Actor Ashton Kutcher is out here moving from “Punk’d” to ‘purpose’ in life-leading the fight against child sex trafficking. Meanwhile,…

Posted in #AngFrankPodcast full podcasts ALL write-ups, blogs, and pods at

BEYONCE Thwarts Doubt That She ‘Gave Birth’ Early-In, UC Berkeley Deletes Alt-Right Speaker MILO She Pregnancy+ MIKE PENCE Turns Black History Month Over To Abe Lincoln, Honestly

Education, privilege, preference, and prestige-along with all sense, sensibility and astuteness-went totally out into the windows surrounding the campus of…