an apology was given to Clinton for this email scandal of a witch hunt and today, all interested FBI parties laid their guns down on this entire situation once and for all. So now, for the next couple of days; we can all get back to the business of making our ways to the polls to decide who is best fit to run our country.
Let the record state that [ssshh…] not a cynical sound came from Trump whose typical M-O is to hop on Twitter and go in on anyone that disagrees with him or doesn’t do things his way.
The scrutiny and ridicule his poor wife Melania suffered at (yet) another speech writer not taking the time to merely interject, and write in (for her) prefacing the importance of reciting her own knowledge and interest in taming her very own cyber bullying husband—before reprimanding and demanding that all else cease [to].
On the bright side, obviously, the shame and ridicule at the irony of her poorly executed speech worked itself out: not follicle was stirring-not even his mouth.
Instead, Trump decided to put on his best (Twitter) big-boy behavior and show us two days before the election just how mature he can really be.
Come November 9, it remains to be seen whether this two day turnaround will work in his favor or not-his act of maturity at not doing what the people have come to expect: blasting the FBI for bowing out and gracefully digressing on this whole silly email issue.
It’s like Bill Maher stated: “I don’t care if Hillary Clinton has Jon Benet Ramsey locked up in the basement, I’m still not voting for Trump.”
Too much, too little, too late or great, people pretty much have their minds made up-either way.
At this point in the game, the country has