#ImWithHair-Out Of It: FBI Director JAMES COMEY’s Clinton Email Combthrough Meets End–Again DONALD TRUMP On His Best Pre-Election (Twitter) Behavior

been through enough already where our (once?) respected entities like the FBI has shown their asses and brought themselves down to a level of looking just like the rest of us.

The country as a whole has us scratching our heads at wondering where in our civics and social studies courses did we miss the lesson: Among other nasty boy things



…How in the h-e-double hockey stick is it even possible to permit someone who fleeced the country for nearly a decade-run for a position to command the country whose business of it he doesn’t even respect. A mere IRS worker can’t even come back to work for if not having filed taxes by April 15-their job is gone-much less trying to run for president.
Image result for hillary gif rolling eyesOn the smaller, pesky issues: Email-schmemail.

We’ve all got ‘classified’ information about secrets of people and situations sitting right in our DMs, emails, phones, and top secret texts sent to people who’ve forwarded them and conversations on work servers of which we pay no bills and own.
At this point in the game from every base-it’s like Marilyn Manson sang: “We’re all rockstars in the dope show.”

As we wait with baited breath-on who (with the best, most remarked footprint of being capable of running the business and affairs of this country)…like never before, this election and all its scandals and shenanigans have shown us that in America, anything really is possible.

clinton white pant suit


To hell with an email.

Here’s more on where she’s been and what’s she’s done  

while her opponent was somewhere in the world grabbing ’em by the pussies



Get more on this story via our friends at CNN.com

Author: OSFMagWriter

Spitfire . Media Maestro . Writing Rhinoceros .