Category: Entertainment: Popular Culture (Reality Television)
In Radio Interview ANTOINE WALKER On EVELYN LOZADA: “She Reaped The Benefits of My Wealth And When It Got Tight, She Chose To Go In A Different Direction”
It’s looking like ball players with stories to tell and about to start telling them. The Boston Celtics’ 1996 6th…
OSFMagWriter 11 years ago
NICKI MINAJ: The Backlashing of the Big Barebottom Barbie
The baring of Nicki’s back-end backfired on her. As you all know, a few days ago (in support of her…
OSFMagWriter 11 years ago
AVIVA DRESCHER Legs ‘Em Have It At BRAVO’s RHONY Season Finale/Reunion
All I know is when I see a prosthetic leg in…
OSFMagWriter 11 years ago