encryption to phones belonging to their customers, officials have obviously been at Apple’s core long before then.

Considering the possible (international) terrorist connection the San Bernardino killers had; the world heard about Apple sitting on codes for the very first time.
Now that all this has come forward, (and we now can conclude that yes-officials probably would have cracked those stale case codes and started rounding up bad guys and hauling a$$es all across the map), I can’t say that they are wrong for wanting this information—and feel that Apple should give it up.
While Android has been mum throughout all this and flying under the radar with letting its customers know whether or not officials have encryption to get into its devices, if that (unknown) answer is “yes” then so should Apple as, the life you (reading this) save could very well be your own (or the right person’s involved in taking yours could very well be caught).
While anyone’s story (mine), Brittney Mills,’ or any other person’s story may have made you feel something, no matter how publicly empathetic or compassionate we say we feel, it’s human nature [that] in truth, the ONLY empathy and compassion of a thing is authentic experience of a that same thing as the belayer and connection to (what’s read or told to you)…
So with that being the case, we can think it’s cute and a sign of social solidarity [and an] act of loyalty that Apple stood its ground for its customers (giving so much of themselves online already being able to be used against you anyways), how much is Apple staying locked down for you really serving [and will save you] if you can no longer speak for yourself any more in life (or while in death)?
Think about it.
We tell more to (and through) our phones today than any person will actually ever know.
There might come a time when that phone may be our only witness and testimony able to speak for us…
Have you labeled you phone list (in case of emergency)?
Who else (and how many other people) have your code (besides you)?
Source: NBCNews