All praises due to Ma-Ma.
A California Judge gave Amanda Bynes’ mom her “propers” for stepping in to take control of her life which at one time, unfortunately, seemed to be coming apart at the seams all
over social media and on display for the world to see-for their laughter, ridicule, and entertainment.
What, at first, seemed like attempts to be funny, spiraled into behavior that got more erratic and bizarre-tweet by tweet.
No one could tell if she was merely feeding into a steadily growing Twitter audience’s negative reinforcement because it seemed as though the more she was being entertained,
the more bizarre her antics would get. Eventually, what looked like typical showing off on Twitter got real when while off-line,
her neighbors captured her in their driveway setting a fire as if she was lighting a barbecue pit on the flat cement. From that point on, her mother stepped in to the child star’s life and took over, and was appointed temporary conservator after Amanda who after then; was placed on the initial 72-hour involuntary psychiatric hold pending further evaluation (which determined that she needed to stay a while)…
Time passed.
She completed the stay at the rehab center and rather than getting caught back up into the consistently negative and often times salacious, silly, cycle of sameness and nothingness of the Twitter and social media suction cup (and hitting the talk show circuit having turned down the likes of Oprah and Dr. Phil), Bynes, 27, moved back in with her parents to continue her recovery.
On Tuesday (February 12, 2014) her parents were back in court for a progress report hearing where the judge applauded Bynes’ mom for a job well done.
Having tuned out the negativity of Twitter-always willing and ready for the/her show, and as well-rather than getting caught back up into the media clutches of the inquiring minds all waiting to hear her story; she opted for shopping trips out and about looking happy and healthy.
About as close she came to even identifying with her troubled social media past was wearing a “Twerk Team” hat and a couple of sweatshirts with the words: “Homie” and “Gangster” written across the cotton-in spirit of the “ratchet” wretchedness that awaited her arrival but instead investing time in entertaining them, she opted for investing in herself by enrolling in a fashion course at the Fashion Institute of Design and Merchandising located in Orange County, California.
As well, and as a result of her being on the straight and narrow, Bynes’ legal woes are also being forgiven. Last month, New York prosecutors agreed to drop the drug possession case stemming from a raid on her apartment last May [2013] by which, after; Bynes struck a plea deal and agreed to undergo regular counseling sessions. Her lawyers are hoping for the same results in another case they are fighting for Amanda stemming from a DUI case she had in 2012. Attorneys for Bynes are in talks for a plea deal on that case as well.
We at Other Side of the Fame have followed and covered this Amanda Bynes story intensively-feeling glad for her progress, and impressed that [for at least right now and so immediately]-she had no interest doing what countless other: Real Celebrities, Wanna-Be Celebrities, and Think They’re Celebrities would have done a long time ago: Jump at the chance to attention whore for the likes of Oprah,
Dr. Phil, and any other media outlet that would have them–so fast that they would left one shoe between the rehab center and the studio by which they were being interviewed.
Well, Amanda Bynes didn’t do that…
*applauds loudly ‘til my hands burn*
And we, like the judge, not only applaud her parents; but too, we applaud her for not doing what is sooooooo tired and typical nowadays, that we found this whole story and its outcome to be something we will forever hold in high regard in the Other Side of the Fame archives for more than one reason while we wish her well on her continued progress (and too-look forward to hearing her story-because she certainly has one)…which…ironically is still relevant and until she is ready to talk about it; it will still be wanted by the Dr. Phil’s, the Oprah’s and the like!
There’s a message in this whole story and one that all new age attention whores should to take heed to:
Patience is a virtue. No, really…it is… And if whatever you got to offer or sell now…if it’s either: unique/one of its kind/irreplaceable/atypical or real…(then under YOUR terms, and under YOUR own time) it’s JUST as valuable later. You aint got to rush for nobody…What’s REALLY “relevant” is what’s “significant.” And if it’s not unique/one of its kind/irreplaceable/atypical or real…then it really aint significant, and is only temporarily a “relevant” and contained…i.e: not of value, or even remembering when all is (literally) said and done.
*clap for the truth in the lesson*
Don’t say I’ve never taught [or showed you] you nothing.
You’re welcome.
Source: Wonderwall