PRESIDENT OBAMA Surprises Vice President JOE BIDEN With President Medal of Freedom + Scrapbook Of “Scrappy From Scranton & The Pres

If you’ve followed me over the years, you’ve probably heard me say a time or two: ‘I so want to hang out with Joe Biden. I can tell he will knock a few back and be all kinds of party!’

Even president Obama referred to him as the “scrappy kid from Scranton.”

…And a “scrappy” one he is.

These past eight years are certainly unforgettable to say the least.

Not only has these last eight years been fun to watch him be our president sidekick and presidential partner in crime liberty.

On my personal friends from hometown and school friends FB page, from the very beginning, I used to scrapbook these two and the first family.

Fast forward.

Forward came fast-just like life hits you-just as sure as the reality is sitting in that greatness has run its course.

To that end, President Obama gave a dignified farewell speech that reminded us all of the last of what being (traditionally) “presidential” will be beginning the next eight days through four years.

It would only be befitting that he send his awesomely charming right hand man off with a token of a reminder of all things presidential: The Presidential Medal of Freedom.

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Although vice president Joe Biden quipped that president Obama gave him every “sh|t job in the world,” surely (as we have witnessed) there is no other man he would rather get ‘stank’ on him with in these rough terrains of the country’s tread than our dearly beloved President Barack Obama.

Today, in a surprise tribute at the White House, president Barack Obama awarded vice president Joe Biden [with the] highest civilian honor–righteous and honorable thing to do as a token of his everlasting friendship, service and solidarity.

Image result for joe biden and barack obama

Before adorning the vice presidential wild-boy with the token of his appreciation, president Obama, himself, referred to Biden as a “lion of American History,” who was the best vice president America has ever had.

Indoors, but presidential and with the feel of a 21-gun salute, Obama asked military aide to share the moment with the firecracker who shed tears of the gracious kind:

“For your faith in your fellow Americans, for your love of country, and for your lifetime of service that will endure through the generations, I’d like to ask the military aide to join us on stage. For my final time as President, I am pleased to award our nation’s highest civilian honor, the Presidential Medal of Freedom.



These two rambunctious ‘boy-like’ men who just happen to be great presidents, will be missed.




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“Presidential shit.”


More on this from our Brit friends across the water (The Independent) who too, has one of theeeeeeeeeeee most charming photo gallery’s of these two that, unfortunately I couldn’t steal from.


If you clicked the above link to view my scrapbook of them, then you KNOW I love to caption. So without further adieu: Here’s one for the road books:

The guy: “Guys. Pres. Vice Pres. It was hard. I went through some rough terrain to get this. Gotta tell ya. I managed to get my hands on that-there uh…”Binder’s Full of Women” from Romney”

Biden: “(Wait a minute hotcakes). Could it be? Is that the “Binders Full of Women” we’ve been waiting on. OH. SHT!”

Obama: “MY man!”

Image result for joe biden and barack obama


More on President Obama

More on Vice President Joe Biden

and well, we’ll throw Romney in there too

Author: Angela Sherice