Who’s That Thinking ‘Nasty’ Thoughts? Pop & Politics and How TRUMP The Pussy Grabber Had To Back That Thang Up After Calling HILLARY ‘Nasty’

Jackson’s  ‘Nasty’ becoming the “political anthem.”

Be that as it may, even if just for this final post-debate day; I’m looking forward to Hillary practicing her rendition of “Nasty” and this actually being his swan song come November 8 evening. LoL.

To get the G’s on all this groping, grumpy, and nastiness, tap in to our friends at LATimes.com to see just how Rhythm Nation‘s girl‘s ‘Nasty’ is gnawing the political nation right about now–or at Trump, rather.


Author: OSFMagWriter

Spitfire . Media Maestro . Writing Rhinoceros .