The Power of “Not Yet” Vs. The Tyranny of “Now!”: The Difference Between the FIXED v. GROWTH Mindset

learn from them. Whereas, people of a FIXED MINDSET are caught up in the tyranny and instant gratification of “now!” and seek fight or flight kinds of thought processes and behaviors to pacify or validate them and are constantly in search of validation from people and external/extrinsic sources.

Bottom line: (As an adult) in order to take control of, and train your mind to be of growth mindset (versus fixed mindset), rather than to praise the end result by which you want to seek the ‘A’ or ‘B’ (but see the rest as nothing or failure) if you praise your (or your child)’s process, efforts, focus, strategy and perseverance; then you teach yourself (or your child) to be of GROWTH minded mentality (rather than a FIXED minded mentality)-thus forcing yourself (or your child) into growing through life NOT seeking validation from others, cheating, constantly running away or in search of others worse of than you (to make yourself feel better about yourself).

That’s my summary of it all. Tap in and listen for yourself:



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Author: OSFMagWriter

Spitfire . Media Maestro . Writing Rhinoceros .