Texas Teacher Caught Wailing Upside “Idiot A$$” Boy’s Head + School Gun Violence-Schmum Violence – Are Abusive Teachers & School Authorities Flying Under The Radar?

[quote] model educator [end quote].



These kinds of situations happen more than reported and broadcast on television news media. Of all the annoyances and invasion of privacy run amok (with your being put in stranger’s cell phone without your permission and winding up in the populated evils, pretentiousness and perils of the Internet), these kinds of things make having a cell phone camera use of the Internet well worth it for victims of this underground form of bullying (like that of Washington Heights Expeditionary Learning School math teacher-Nina Gribetz-accused of bullying her student Stephanie Almonte.

Stephanie Almonte schoolteacher Nina Gribetz

Long story short, Stephanie ended up killing herself as a result of Gribetz’s repeated bullying that, as per other students, had been going on for a while.

As we are human, enmity is something that can happen as a result of aura’s and other crossed wires beyond our physical control (and this happens doctor-patient, parent-child yes…parent-child, friend-friend, and even upon first meeting someone without even knowing them). It’s spiritual. And by contrast to enmity, harmony creates the opposite.

Because you have enmity with someone, that doesn’t mean it’s a call for action-for you to take action on your thoughts or words you tell yourself you feel about someone.

glitter gold starEnmity is a spiritual creation between human being to teach us lessons about self-control…and to test the strength of your having control over your mind or whether you mind has control over you.

Enmity’s lessons is about ourselves mostly-despite the fact that we’d like to think the ones we have enmity with-we’re teaching them a lesson).

We can’t have all harmony and be ‘harmonious.’.

Disharmony/the negatives are needed to see the bigger picture—(within/of/about ourselves).

glitter gold starUnfortunately, like I just said, we think it’s the other way around: that another person is the rightful recipient of the goings on in our minds and spirits. No m’am. No sir. That’s the part where lines are crossed-when we take what we feel about another person (or about a situation involving a person) from our minds and into our own (literal) hands or we inflict emotional or mental distress upon another person (for reasons well outside of self defense, but rather: LACK OF SELF CONTROL).

glitter gold starRegardless (whether its student-teacher, co-worker/professional relationship, or personal/interpersonal), as “enmity” may be your experience with another-that is the time when you need to step beyond that threshold of your thoughts: your mind causing you to strike (via words-emotionally) or via action/deed (mentally or physically). Because at that point (if you strike with words or action against another (and it was not for self defense); you are essentially playing with your own mind and whether it be mounting, continuous or temporarily; you have crossed the lines of sanity and the boundaries of another human being. Period. Dot.

glitter gold starWhen another person is the recipient/at the mercy of your (unwarranted) emotions, unbalanced mentality or a victim of your physical violence, outside of your being in fight or flight mode, there is no rhyme or reason or two ways about it-you have shown yourself to be the kind of person who has no self control over their own emotions/mind and body. Your mind is a part of you that you are to control, it is not supposed to control you.

With all that being said, let me interject this: before (in a world where things like this of course did happen and its ability to go viral in Internet social media depended on broadcast television news media), people    ….






Author: OSFMagWriter

Spitfire . Media Maestro . Writing Rhinoceros .