that Judge Aaron Persky be removed from the bench-serving as a judge (who obviously, has a terrible, subjective sense of judgment).

Given the upcoming case (in which a Kaiser Permanente surgical nurse is accused of sexually assaulting a sedated patient), when Judge Persky abruptly dismissed charges for a misdemeanor theft case involving a San Jose woman, in a [quote] “rare and carefully considered step for our office” apparently, Santa Clara District Attorney Jeff Rosen had had it with Pesky-and challenged Persky being the deciding judge for the upcoming Kaiser Permanente nurse v. sedated patient case and possibly disqualifying him from future cases altogether.
“We are disappointed and puzzled at Judge Persky’s unusual decision to unilaterally dismiss a case before the jury could deliberate. After this and the recent turn of events, we lack confidence that Judge Persky can fairly participate in this upcoming hearing in which a male nurse sexually assaulted an anesthetized female patient.” –Jeff Rosen
Persky’s slap on the wrist with a wet noodle sentencing of Brock Turner lead to several prospective jurors asking to be relieved of jury duty for not wanting to serve under Judge Persky’s rule.
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