[clickandtweet handle=”” hashtag=”” related=”” layout=”” position=””]There are two forms of justice in this life: The court of law and the court of public opinion[/clickandtweet].
[clickandtweet handle=”” hashtag=”” related=”” layout=”” position=””]The crazy thing about the law is that it’s not necessarily about the truth but rather, about what you can prove beyond a reasonable doubt[/clickandtweet]. That means if an attorney can argue your case well enough, the guilty can go home.
He can play on the areas you’re defending such that he can create a big “but” and “what if” scenario in 12 people’s heads then in walks reasonable doubt, and well…the guilty can walk free-and you’re out. The law has ZERO to do with your feelings, what you feel, what you think or eve what ever dots connect and “seem.”

As per what those who deem you guilty feel, one thing about one not getting your just desert and walking free (e.g. OJ Simpson, George Zimmerman) is that while you may be “free” to roam the streets, the private hell you suffer from the collective scrutiny is enough torture to make you wonder if jail was the better option. [clickandtweet handle=”” hashtag=”” related=”” layout=”” position=””]No torture in the world can be worse than to be free yet, your quality of life compromised and under microscopes of scrutiny that, ‘til your death, you will never live down or get redemption[/clickandtweet].
How ‘bout the judge that (despite prosecutor’s recommendation) spared (now, former) Stanford U swimmer Brock Turner for the rape of an unconscious woman behind a dumpster and overturning a 6-14 year (prison) sentence down to 6 months (jail time) and then down to 3 months (jail time) with reason given: it was severely damage him (as if the victim is okay with knowing some guy took advantage of her behind a filthy dumpster without her sober consent).
Well although Brock’ll be free from jail in a couple of months, he’s going to ride out to freedom and into the sunset of hell going forward. Life will never be the same for him.
As for the judge who pretty much pardoned him. whether or not life will be the same for him is something time will tell as, if national women’s advocacy organization, Ultra Violet, has it their way; the judge that handed down that lenient sentence to Brock Turner will be trading places with him worse way: removed from the bench altogether.
Until then, the group was successful instrumental in getting him removed from a similar rape case on the docket [that was to be] put on his desk to preside over.
Ultra Violet held a rally in San Francisco this past Friday, just before delivering a 1 million signatures petition to the California Commission of Judicial Performance, asking