#SCPrimary Secured by CLINTON : #WhichHillary ? 2016 #ImWithHer Heavily Understated Given Her Big Win

thus far on the campaign trail’s primaries she struggled to scratch beyond the surface). Despite being questioned #WhichHillary she was, the majority must’ve already been okay with the 2016 Hillary Clinton.




But in the 90% majority African-American dem vote state of South Carolina today; with 73.5% of the votes (D) Hillary picked up 536 pledged delegates to (D) Bernie Sanders’ 83 delegates and 25.9% of the vote and (D) O”Malley’s 0 (with 0.2%) of the vote.


Republicans: Trump picked up 82 delegates, Cruz: 17, Rubio: 16 and Kasich: 6.

“Tomorrow, this campaign goes national,” said the vict orious, confident Clinton who didn’t hesitate to spew a lil’ Scorpio scorn at her vice (Donald Trump) stating: “We don’t need to make America great again. America never stopped being great. Instead of building walls, we need to be tearing down barriers.”


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Author: OSFMagWriter

Spitfire . Media Maestro . Writing Rhinoceros .