#DoPlants ? (Or Animals?) Man Uses Sledgehammer To Break & Slither Into Pharmacy
Quitting dairy, white sugar (anything white isn't right) meat, artificial additives in foods and drug abuse make you feel…
OSFMagWriter 9 years ago
Trading Places: SERENA WILLIAMS Replaces Tennis Nemesis MARIA SHARAPOVA As Highest Paid Female Athlete—Same Day MELDONIUM Doping Suspension Made Public
Unless truly warranted, or earned and deserved, someone else’s demise, setback or downfall shouldn’t be someone else’s pleasure (or rise)….
OSFMagWriter 9 years ago
History Made: HILLARY CLINTON Officially Presumptive Presidential Nominee – Should She Be Made Official?
Let’s just say I’m with Donald—for anything he wants to do on The Apprentice and in New York at Trump…
OSFMagWriter 9 years ago