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Posted in ALL write-ups, blogs, and pods at Entertainment: Television Shows, Talk Shows, Sitcoms, Dramas, Made for TV Movies Music: Rap Culture

Nothing Was The Same SUPER BOWL Night at REVOLT’s Time Warner Cable Studios Where DRAKE Blazed the Stage

  In case you didn’t know, former Stacey Lattisaw background dancer, turned Andre Andre Harrell apprentice, turned producer and rap mogul, turned apprentice-ee…

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Friend Request Intercepted (Excerpt Drop 2)

I can only imagine it turning into about as much a need as we need food, water, or sex-and like for a drug addict to need a fix of the drug that they invited into their lives, body, and mind. I can only imagine how hard a habit that would be to break. Eventually, doing shit like that can do nothing but take over: you, your mind, and definitely all your time. Sooner than later, that would be proven to me in ways more over than I could have ever assumed would be true for her. And if as if having me wasn’t already the fix she just couldn’t shake, she had an even bigger addiction she was setting her own psyche and heart up for. I didn’t want any trouble. She didn’t even have to worry about my getting angry. All she had to do now, was not push me: her pusher, and I would forever keep her high…