Even America’s Symbol: The Bald Eagle Found Running For Shelter Since TRUMP Presidency Made Official
Since president-elect Donald Trump has been made official, it’s not just dissention in the American climate with protesters, Americas symbol: The…
OSFMagWriter 8 years ago
Is Voting America’s Political Prom and Publicity Stunt for a Mere Consensus Check-In? Meet 1 Man From The Electoral College
Even before the suspect materials and hang chad issues at the voting both, the electoral college has always been this…
OSFMagWriter 8 years ago
5 Reasons (And Ways) To Look At The Trump Presidency As A Positive (For Some) Or Light At The End of The Tunnel (For Others) But Either Way–Make A Special Kind Of Peace With It
With a broken heart. #ImWithHer, still. I made a decision though. I don’t know about you, but I actually feel…
OSFMagWriter 8 years ago