MATT DAMON Delegating Self as the Authority on ‘Diversity’ in Film Gets Him Dragged On Social Media + Let’s Break #Damonsplaining Down To A Conscience I know, right? My heart pumped Kool-Aid when the hashtag #Damonsplaining hit the net as (upon log on-at…
OSFMagWriter 10 years ago
Skeptical Runner Up SUZETTE CHARLES Doubts Sincerity and Necessity of Miss America Pageant’s Apology to VANESSA WILLIAMS a Whole 32 Years Later
Have you seen this woman? Well let me introduce you. Her name is Suzette Charles and once upon a time,…
OSFMagWriter 10 years ago
Pageant CEO WILLIAM HASKELL Surrenders Crown and Glory + Extends Respect and Apology Due Former Miss America VANESSA WILLIAMS Who Returns As Judge
I have been a close friend to this beautiful and talented lady for 32 years. You have lived your life…
OSFMagWriter 10 years ago