‘Hollywood’ Writetress JACKIE COLLINS Dies At 77
On September 19, 2015, Hollywood writer Jackie Collins may have lost her fight with breast cancer but she as heavens…
OSFMagWriter 9 years ago
Just ‘Cause Ms. PATTI LABELLE Likes “Tell Me What That Thang Smell Like” Doesn’t Mean She Wants To Smell Yours: Soul Legend Gets 2015’d Live On Stage
There’s a time and a place for everything—as well, a person for everything too. While R&B Soul Diva Patti LaBelle…
OSFMagWriter 9 years ago
HSN’s President BILL BRAND Defends JESSICA SIMPSON’s Sobriety + Is It That Our Perception of Live v. Scripted or Still Life v. Video Startles Perception’s Reality?
It’s like he said, live television (versus scripted) is “a whole new ball game.” Our perception changes when still life…
OSFMagWriter 9 years ago