Pregnant Moms & New Moms To Be Screened For Depression + Considering Surge in Plastic Surgery, Are Doctors Screening? Should They?
Don’t get it twisted, butt shots are all the millennial wave. “Butt” despite the fact the barbaric method (and materials)…
OSFMagWriter 9 years ago
OREO COOKIES Are About To Dip: Company Outsourcing to Mexico, Pulling Apart 1000 Chicago Jobs All those varying flavors of Oreo Cookies dropping once a week for the past year or two must’ve paid…
OSFMagWriter 9 years ago
White Actor JOSEPH FIENNES Plays MICHAEL JACKSON In Upcoming Movie – Necessary Or No?
The ‘bright’ side to this all is that this gives the lyrics from an old Kanye West song a whole…
OSFMagWriter 9 years ago