11 Things You Shouldn’t Do This Year
As we begin 2015, people all around you have resolved to do all kinds of things. On the personal front, they are going to lose weight, exercise more and eat healthier. On the professional side, they are going to work harder to stay close to their clients, and maybe even clean up their office. All that fine, of course. But if you do what everyone else does, you never gain a competitive edge. Let me suggest another kind of action. We talked previously about the things you should stop doing. While have “to do lists” can be good, having a “not to do list” can actually be better, since if you follow it, you will free up a lot more time and energy–and be more productive. Who doesn’t want that? So as we begin a new year, why don’t you resolve to stop doing the following things, some of which we have discussed before (a review never hurts) and some of which are new and equally counter-productive.
- Procrastinating
We only have so much time. Why would you ever want to waste it? This is the place where your “to do” list can help keep you focused.
- Waiting. The frustrating cousin of procrastinating. Nothing happens while you …(cont’d)
Forget Goals. Focus on Systems Instead
I love setting goals. Unfortunately, my goals don’t always love me back. I’ve tried using silence to accomplish a goal, and I’ve tried to sneak up on big goals, and although those strategies work, they’re hardly foolproof. Fortunately James Clear, an entrepreneur and guy who thinks a lot about goals, habits, and success, has a much better approach to achieving almost any goal–and it’s an approach anyone can use.
Here’s James:
We all have things that we want to achieve in our lives–building a successful business, getting into better shape, raising a wonderful family. For most of us, the path to achieving those things starts with setting a specific and actionable goal. Until recently, that’s how I approached my life. I would set goals for clients I wanted to land, for classes I took, and for weights that I wanted to lift in the gym. What I’m starting to realize, however, is that when it comes to actually getting things done and making progress in the areas that are important to you, there is a much better way to do things. It all comes down to the difference between goals and systems.
Let me explain. The Difference Between Goals and Systems…What’s the difference between goals and systems?
- If you’re an entrepreneur, your goal is to build a successful business. Your system is your processes for sales, marketing, fulfillment, operations, etc.
- If you’re a coach, your goal is to …(cont’d)
20 Awesome Productivity Tricks Anyone Can Use
Even though we all want to be more productive, it’s hard to make major changes. Small changes are easy– and can be incredibly powerful. That’s why the following 20 tips are simple enough you can immediately incorporate them into your daily routine. Some tips will help you better use your …cont’d
- Do Not Go into the New Year (or Any Meeting or Relationship) Without These 7 Things
You head into a New Year, a new venture, a new relationship, a new agreement, a new… anything. And maybe you “hope” for the best. Maybe you set some goals and intentions. Or maybe you’re so “busy” you fly by the seat of your pants and pray that luck and inspiration will get you “there”. Any of these can work, and why not give your desires and results a bit of an extra nudge? Leaving your year, relationships, and ventures, in the hands of fate and open to spontaneity is part of the magic of life, AND if you sprinkle in a bit of the 7 points below, you increase your chances of shifting that magic into real results. The goal here is to have you happen to your life, vs. your life happening to you. Every bit of consciousness helps.
For your future delight and planning, here are 7 places to look:
- Have a vision and a purpose. Explore, in your heart of hearts, what success looks like for this venture/relationship/year/etc. AND why it’s important. “See” it. “Taste” it. Feel into it. Let yourself be moved by it. Get carried away so much that you might actually believe it is happening in present time. Let this inform your intentions and action plans for “next”.
- Set your intentions. What do you want this year to look like? This relationship? This meeting? What outcomes? What do you want to be celebrating when it’s complete? Who do you want to become because of it?
- Take really good care of yourself. You have so much power and influence here. How you set yourself up for success with what you put …(cont’d)
This Is The Most Important Decision to Make in 2015
Let me know if you disagree, but after a lifetime spent talking to and writing about entrepreneurs I realize the first decision you make after you start your company is almost always the most pivotal. That decision? Where will you spend your time? Intuitively, you understand why that decision is so important. You only have so much …(cont’d)
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an appleLots of Bananas a Day Keep the Doctor Away. Check out the article - 12 Crazy Methods Criminals Use To Steal Your Identity. Check out the article here
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(and more information FYI from OSF)