my hair. Like, for the life of us (no matter what..) whether it was me or her; we couldn’t resist insulting one another, or cracking a crazy joke at the most unexpected time. She was a master at that (well over me). So, when she looked at these pics of me, she said: “You look really pretty in a ………5th member of the Beatles kinda way.” Mannn I ran to my computer to pull up pics of the Beatles and I laughed so hard. I was like: “No, the one pic (left) I took very close up by mistake!” She was like, “I know but you still look the the 5th member.” I could NOT stop laughing. It was pretty funny (and true).
Just stick me over here to the left of the “B” why don’t you.
sings, in my Biggie voice
“Thought he worked his until I handled by biz…there i iz“–>
So how’d I do y’all? rolls eyes Whatevs…Btw. It started growing back in lil’ less than a month and you could tell me nuh’en:
<–I was laughing because I took took picture with my head between my legs. My forehead feel forward.
…and that’s the story and transition after my “Beatles” hair!
Hey..Fun while it lasted 🙂