LADY GAGA Honored By Visual Music Giant VEVO


GAGA_VEVO HONORSWho knew?…that VEVO had such an honor?

Even without the help of VEVO’s (new?) honor, no one can deny that the very moment pop powerhouse Lady Gaga hit the pop music scene it’s been all eyes on her.

The Internet music visual music channel Vevo honored Gaga for having a total of ten videos reach the 100 million viewers mark-therefore deeming her: “VEVO Certified.”

What would such an honor be like for “Mother Monster” without the her “Monster’s ” there to share in the festivities? Can’t imagine that, right?.

Vevo invited fans to present Muva Monster with the awards-complete with a quiz to test the their knowledge of her most iconic video + her recent album “ARTPOP.”



Author: OSFMagWriter

Spitfire . Media Maestro . Writing Rhinoceros .