KIM KARDASHIAN Releases Most Adorable New Pic of Baby NORTH WEST……But Plucked Her Brows!?

BabyNorthWest Today, Kimmy Kardan posted one of THEE most adorable pictures of baby North West that just ought to be a Christmas card. It was beautiful enough to outshine the blingyest ornament on a tree or take its rightful place: North and atop the tree as a star. She’s THAT adorable!

*insert Photoshopped pic of Baby North atop a tree here*  🙂

Our oohs and ahh’s just couldn’t get enough life breathed into it before things went south. 

It’s almost second nature-the microscopic scrutiny Kim has always come under-and as it turned out, the star didn’t fall to far from the tree when Twitter chimed in on the possibility of Kim having waxed or plucked the child’s uni-brow:

I know we’re partial to Kimmy here, but it doesn’t look like she shaved or plucked the baby’s brows to us. In fact, the brows never quite met and became one.

Quite frankly, we believe that even all in Kim’s accused vain and glory; she wouldn’t subject that baby to that kind of pain just to escape you guy’s scrutiny about hair on a forehead!

How ridic!

Eye Spied at

Baby-North-West-FIRSTPUBLICPIC   BabyNorthWestsSECONDPublicPic

But take our poll and be the judge there!

BeNZnpJCMAAdTdk UPDATED: 1.17.2014 (cuteness!)

Bex75oVCcAAscKV  UPDATED: 1.24.2014 (only soap opera babies grow this fast)!

Author: OSFMagWriter

Spitfire . Media Maestro . Writing Rhinoceros .