Have You Really Been Treating Your Turkey (and Guests) Right?

5632626884a01.imageFormer President Benjamin Franklin felt the turkey should be the American/native bird (over the bald eagle). And although his sentiments (obviously) weren’t shared, one thing we do know of (and share) is a twice per year American tradition: [That] at Thanksgiving and Christmas that bird (turkey/fowl) sits at the center of the table of millions of American home awaiting feasting and feeding down to the bones.

The National Turkey Foundation states that in 2012, the average person ate 16 pounds of turkey whereas, in 1975 the consumption reported was about 8.3 pounds. With creative ways to cook turkey even since then, i.e., frying turkey in big, deep, 25 pound fryers, cooking turkey is very much thee most important project in the kitchen that too, takes the longest to finish over any other holiday dish.

iStock_000027703277LargeWith such a main event having all family friends and guests eyes on it, its no wonder that what the cook does to the turkey (while making sure it will be one thing and only thing mainly once finished): moist, preparing such a big, round, fat piece of fowl required far more culinary talent than a mere Cornish hen or whole chicken as, part of successful preparation begins at a fully thawed out turkey that without, there is no seasoning, frying, or trick you can do to that turkey to make it right once done.

Most people think that one day is enough for a turkey to that, but the trick is per every 5 lbs that turkey weighs, add one day. So if you have a 20 pound turkey, for best end results and moist over stringy meat; allow your turkey to thaw out four whole days to defrost.



Now that we’ve got that very important part out of the way (which too, is shown on the upcoming clip—how to properly defrost the bird), check out CHOW.com’s killer recipe—to consider next year as, hey…it’s Christmas Day and well, we’re sure your bird is already done and mid turning out moist (or stringy) 🙂


There are some awesomely good turkey prepping tips in this clips so, if you find you would like to try’em and it’s too late (and for the next holiday season you just can’t wait), hey…invite guests over for

Author: OSFMagWriter

Spitfire . Media Maestro . Writing Rhinoceros .