George Zimmerman Convicted & Evicted From The Only ‘Free Life’ He Had: TWITTER

12342769_552905448198027_1546752241352141170_nZimmerman took it upon himself to make one of his many silly antics public by porn revenging a girlfriend by posting a pic of what appears to be a woman unclothed and posting the caption: “This is Heather. She cheated on me with a dirty Muslim. #^$#^$^#&$^ . She’ll sleep with anyone.”12339263_552905601531345_4837106927042153691_o

It’s like I mentioned (and research/time has told) about people like big Suge, OJ and other people allegedly to believed to have kill, kill spirits or wreak havoc in people’s lives: They seem to be untouchable while walking the world scot-free and never go to jail or get convicted of what they did. But it’s always that inadvertent ‘crime’ or minor incident that lurks around the corner and that gets ‘em caught up.

And just like that, that’s where he fcked up as, doing just what he did was a Twitter violation and as a result, his account was suspended. Now, he can go ram his head into all four free walls in the world he lives slowly dying in.




Author: OSFMagWriter

Spitfire . Media Maestro . Writing Rhinoceros .