FARRAH FRANKLIN’s ‘Management Team’ Refutes DESTINY’s CHILD Tell-All Rumors + Why FARRAH And Her Team Need To Take A Page Out Of BEYONCE & DESTINY’s CHILD’s Blueprint and ‘Book’

the site where [that obvious blind item] was originated and has been out circulating since May 2015 (five months = 20 weeks) and your single’s been out 7+ weeks…Do the math.



…No one had even heard a whisper about it. It was just that: the “rumored” blind item site, trickled down to “urban bloggers” and down to us that helped create the buzz and call aannnnnny MAJOR attention to you and your single. Most often, Twitter IG praise is typically about the name being seen and praising. Word of MOUTH (and even rumors) have always been, and always will be the name of the game you’re in-you should know that.  No one significant even knew about it until that old blind item, then ‘urban bloggers’ and then us. THAT’s “magic.”


Farrah’s ‘management team’ (and Farrah):

This is the Internet: the place where the greatest majority of the ENTIRE WORLD is GLUED to more than television and books. Go pull over at yoru local McDonald’s and count the heads bent over in their mobile devices creeping online.

You (and people like you), should tread lightly in that regard-speaking that way-about the ONLY source for your circulation online to get or remain (what’s that word yall say: “relevant”). Because without a write up or post about you on ANY site, you canNOT thrive and circulate on this here Internet. 4p and 7:30 p.m. entertainment news programs aint got time to squeeze you all in and the MTV’s and VH1s  and BET’s aint doin’ much music and premiering / focusing on music videos these days…

MORE IMPORTANTLY. Pay attention to your former lead bandmate and gather a better “team” that could have articulated your (alleged) shock, awe, upset at the blind item rumor. Even as big as Beyonce is with the greater horrors that circulate and plague HER, her “management team” would NEVERRRRRRRRRRRRRR say: “…is going viral because it’s a hit record, we do not need an urban blogger creating a buzz for themselves; from our success with this hit single.”

Are you (“Farrah Franklin”) serious? Do you even realize your “success” has to get in line after your OTHER former group members: Kelly, Michelle? The Ashanti’s  etc.? You SEE their hustle and

Author: OSFMagWriter

Spitfire . Media Maestro . Writing Rhinoceros .