Exactly How Are YOU Reclaiming Your Time?

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“Reclaiming My Time” #MaxineWaters’ claim of the week. It’s one that went viral as an ode to the venereal of our lives and aimed at those, and that which see things from a vernacular opposite or opposing ours-all in an effort to zig zag and subtract from our time.



While we love to meme “he-he” there’s one fact: When teacher and politician of the U.S. Representative for California’s 43rd Congressional District (formerly 35th and 29th) Maxine Waters was demanding that her time be returned (from it being wasted with useless rhetoric and babble, all in an attempt to thwart answering questions she asked of), she was at her job by which she made a career of over 20 years ago.


Oh. I can watch these all day. They are hilarious! I LOVE talent and creativity and artists, producers and talent showed AWF!

But on a serious note. Here’s this: 

As you may well know, I appreciate the Internet and social media as the next person, but where sense and sensibility is required; I’m gonna speak on it or blog about it on one of #OSFMag’s brand’s blogs at OtherSideoftheFame.com.

Naturally, in person (and even sometimes online) I’m just as frivolous and ‘off the wall’ as the next person. But when and where sense and sensibility needs a spotlight or to displayed (in order to thwart foolishness—in the attempt to thwart questions that need answering), I do like, feel, and am ABOUT exactly what OtherSideoftheFame’s  subtitle says it is: “a Lifestyle blog of  ‘Pop Science’ – Making Sense of Sensation While Plugging In & Putting The Spotlight On Popular Culture and Stuff in Entertainment, about Life, and on Style!”

There’s a message in every message, and a crack in every door where, if you pry or push it open, there’s light. Just like some comedians reach you about serious subjects through humor, or (circa late 90s) Kirk Franklin and gospel music sought to reach people through a secular music sound, or like now, when Lin Manuel is rapping in “Hamilton” such to make hip hoppers or those otherwise uninterested in history or theater-become interested, I’m gonna dig in that head and that chest by any means necessary writing and speaking on podcast  in this millennium as I’ve always done in life before it.  

As a writer on social media who blogs,  I am going to (continue) to reach you through popular culture and shine spotlights where the spotlight where it needs to be shined. Unfortunately that’s not going always BE on the  ‘cute’ or the laughable. If it’s cute and laughable-I’m gonna laugh and be cute. But when its ugly and not funny, I’m not gonna dress it up to be ‘cute’ in order to be ‘liked’ by you. I am going to simply tell the relative truth. And that’s no matter how you feel about it or me. I’m NOT your average blogger who has a blog and who’s on Twitter or Instagram, and you will respect that because I’m never going to pretend that I am. I’ve reclaimed my time since even before I started blogging and social media. And it won’t stop. I’ve been a ‘popular’ standout since age 5. In childhood. Teen years. High school. College. In every neighborhood I’ve lived in. I was popular for talent, skills. My body and beauty was later my cherry on top beneath all that.  I (who I am and what I’m about stood on top of all that).  Like many some, I didn’t come on social media to make people ‘pay’ for my not being popular or form meaningless cliques for show. I’ve always been the friend of friends and the ‘thee’ of the’. And social media won’t change that in me. I won’t dumb me, or dumb ‘me’ down for IT. You got to fit me, I don’t fit crews and play “Blues Clues” to avoid ‘Boos.’ Ask anybody that knows and knew me. I reclaimed my time a long time ago.

Life is hard tough. I’m aware of that. And it’s a lot is going on that’s out of our control right now. We NEED an outlet to kick back, be silly and laugh even MORE than “once in a while.” But it’s all about balance-no, not just saying it, posting it, and talking about it. It’s about BEING about it. BEING INTENTIONAL ABOUT IT.

As a writer on the OSFMag.com brand, my goal was not to blog because it’s popular and (via the consciousness of your content) it CAN make you “Internet famous,” but when I can, (there-on my blog) is where I WILL make sense of what’s senseless and running rampant with sensation.

With that being said, as sensational as it was; for Auntie Maxie, that was serious business for her. Although we made a running meme of it, and as much as we enjoyed laughing and making a sensation OF it, now is the time to TRULY “reclaim my time” by challenging YOU with proposing this question:

  • Are you recharging (pulling back from plugging in-in order to refresh and renew? To restart or even start anew if you have to?)
  • Are you redundant (repeating the same cycle: in thought, action, or even posts online-because you’re stagnant and haven’t researched or done the work to renew yourself, your brand or for whatever it is you do or think or feel?)
  • Do YOU need to unplug and reproduce in thought and action (in an effort to share new information or simply BE new information to and for the people that are watching you)
  • Are you repurposing?  (researching ways to develop new systems for yourself, your brand, or even just the people in your life, or online or wherever?)


…Because, like Auntie Maxi showed you: don’t waste too much of people’s time any more than you will not continue to allow people to waste yours.

Just as sure as a great too many of us suddenly found our “purpose” the very moment social media provided a platform; there are wayyy too many senses of self-importance and Internet egos, “she/he wanted to ‘pick my brain’ers and I told him/her a thangers or two,” the self-proclaimed “magical” beings, and unicorns running rampant with nothing more than relative hype and Twitter followers giving the illusion their “time” is of any value.  And whether that me (or you), how ’bout pulling away from illusion of self and time and instead, do things with our OWN time so that it may (truly) BE of the kind of TRUE value that we CAN reclaim AND redeem.  

More than our Internet ego and logos, I’m talking about TRULY operating from a Maxine Waters seat such that we actually have MADE (and done something WITH) time that we demand “reclaiming.”

How will you do that and when will it start?

Reclaim YOUR time (and mind) by starting NOW.

Author: Angela Sherice