“God” sits back and watch what you do with it?)
Well where you may have a spiritual, personal or conspiracy-laden reason why “In God We Trust” should or shouldn’t be removed from the oh mighty dollar, Atheists argue that “In God We Trust” on U.S currency is unconstitutional and is suing the government to get rid of the “In God We Trust” inscription from the green.
This past Monday, in an Akron, Ohio court of law, Sacramento attorney Michael Newdow filed a motion to get the inscription removed.
Previously (in 2004) the attorney unsuccessfully challenged having the removal of the “Under God” …(before “indivisible with liberty and justice for all”) from the United States Pledge of Allegiance.
In Newdow’s claim, he asserts that “In God We Trust” violates the constitutional laws separating church and state.
Currently, there are 41 unnamed parents and their children (as) plaintiffs from Ohio to Michigan fighting Congress, Treasure Secretary Jacob Lew, Congress and various federal agencies.
One plaintiff says his Atheism is [quote] “substantially burdened because he is forced to bear on his person a religious statement that causes him to sense his government legitimizing, promoting and reinforcing negative and injurious attitudes not only against Atheists in general, but against him personally” [end quote].
Seeing as though (and this past week’s Powerball craze can be uses as an example of prod) we Americans are indeed controlled by the mighty dollar (no matter how “deep” “spiritual” or “God-fearing” we claim-it still rules and you can’t get through this world without it).
That said, the Atheists claim (less these strikethroughs that I’ll put up), really makes sense—about the cents (and sentiment behind the green dollar):
“substantially burdened because he is forced to bear on his person a religious statement that causes him to sense his government legitimizing, promoting and reinforcing negative and injurious attitudes not only against Atheists in general, but against him personally.”
Should “In God We Trust” go?
(Marius Becker/AP Images)
P.S. I don’t know about you but common sense would dictate to me that if I was unsuccessful in getting two words (“Under God”) of mere lyrics removed; I highly doubt an entire rollback and recycle that would require circulating in-new bills (excluding four words) is gonna happen “/