What’s Good For CAITLYN Is Good For CHET: TOM HANKS’ Aspiring Rapper Son Having Racial Identity Issues – Defends His Use of the ‘N’ Word , Is He Right?

is two different things.

I can understand how (with the trends being brought to the spotlight in pop culture) “being” black looks “cool.” But actually being black (versus “feeling” black) is a whole other animal-it’s an experience, Chet.

Where there is “white privilege” the opposite is a given for blacks-known as:  “A black disadvantage.”

Black disadvantage-starting with apologies handed out stemming from the root of disadvantage: 40 acres and a mule was promised but never delivered-disallowing the chance to start anew on balanced and equal financial ground built on the backs of blacks wasn’t even a consideration (even while other races reparations were/are handed out up to an through a monthly basis in 2015). The closest thing to a black “advantage” only came/comes in the form of Affirmative Action (only useful at institutions), opposite that: basic civil rights-of with all Americans, black/African American share that with.

Compounded with those issues are black people starting from the bottom being a reality for black culture, but to you: it’s a rap song. Sorting through all that and stemming from oppressed times, black people have to fight through preconceived notions about who they are to others not like them, even through to people who (like them) were enslaved as a culture, as, the black/African American race (to all) is secretly considered at the bottom of the totem pole in America (by comparison and opinion of pretty much all other races-should they be honest). It’s a subtle (or brazen and out there) fight, everyday-no matter where you are in the world, work, or at play.

All that, gives vessels and “life” to white privilege” (over black disadvantage).

White “privilege” is bigger than the fact that you went to Northwestern and got two rich parents and live on a house in the hills, with a white picket fence, a full back yard and two dogs that go “woof-woof.” Plenty of black/African Americans do too. That’s not what white privilege is, per se.

White privilege” is the foundation by which (all aforementioned) is built-therefore stands tall on. With all that being the case, as it pertains to racism and race, black people (no matter how rich they become) are in the same boat with NOT having the “privilege” of being “racist.” Racism (not just “racism”/prejudice) but “racism”–(the right, wrong, or way to be pro or con about any race in particular) is a power in and of itself. So if one race has the “power” and “privilege” to be racist (prejudice), then it has privilege and power. That there, does not belong to African American/black people. Black people (considering all that I just explained above) have no power in that regard.

If a black person in this country is/behaving or ever accused of being racist, be rested and assured that he / she is only reacting to an experience. Black people cannot “act” on being racist-they don’t have that power in this country. White privilege does-in conjunction with a system that will back up its actions, if need be.

Racism began with slavery of an oppressed people (passively reacting to be enslaved). Thinking that a black person is racist is merely an aggressive reaction to actions against THEM they felt were racist.

Black history month” is not a privilege or a power-it’s an acknowledgement, a reminder of who we are, examples of the same people representative of where we come from and yearly, as times passes-a look back on: If they did this, then-what’s your excuse not to, now? Basic human rights were scarce and times were much harder, then–propel.

Black lives matter” is not racist, it’s a reaction to systematic injustices stemming from……………………………….white privilege-the foundation by which this country is built and stands tall on and at any moment in time, is privileged to put in action (without incident or punishment).

The black experience has no power or part in any of that. The black experience is more than just “being black.” But hey, we look cool in videos and on Instagram, Twitter and as a subculture. But it’s deeper than that. Take all that away and re-read all I just said, then ask yourself, Chet (and the Chet’s of the world): Do you really think you can hang with us?

(I didn’t even TOUCH the black on black issues among one another stemming from all the above). It’s deeper, and more hurtful than all that.

So I ask you again: Do you really feel you can hang with “us”?


File:  blacklivesmatter

Author: OSFMagWriter

Spitfire . Media Maestro . Writing Rhinoceros .