Chelsea Mayes, feels that life is too short to remain as angry as she was at first.
Just like the L.A Fitness story of Dani Mathers body shaming an unsuspecting woman while video taping her, social media can make monsters out of people who already have monsters within them. These types of people that stick their heads in the cam to say (and post) stuff like such while involving people in their silliness prove they really don’t have a life and obviously got no attention in school, or life before social media breathe life into them.
But this is what I say about involving employers in social media:
As with the first rabid woman, (unless they’ve made it be known on social media-who they work for), I’m not pro-work life dipping over into a person’s personal/social media life.
I feel that regardless the circumstances, an employer who you do NOT claim has no right claiming or canning you based on what you do on social media or your personal life. But from the looks of things and how this APB is going down, it seems as though the rabid woman listed an employer on her social media page. In that case, because she listed it, that means she is a representative of that company despite her private, social time therefore, should be fired from her job, too.
Time will tell.
Brought to you by our sis our sister site, check out the details on the Cheddar’s story via