Charleston Church Killer DYLAN ROOF’s Personal Website’s Manifesto, Frame of Reference and Thinking, Footprints, and Last Words Leading Up To Day of Planned Massacre of 9 Bible Study Members

somebody or some thing at that mall (that he was return two months later after court-order to stay away). I refuse to believe he didn’t have that gun with him.


April 29 to May 11:

Dylan’s photographed taking yet, another pic of “1488” written in the sand and a couple of other pics with the confederate flag and burning the American flag.


May 11- June 17

No footprint.

Other than having been contacted by Dylan during this time, old friend Joseph Meek Jr., (who says Roof contacted him through Facebook).

Meek said the two knocked a couple back. Dylan proceeds to get deep and begins talking about the Trayvon Martin case, the Freddie Gray riots (Baltimore), black people taking over the world and how somebody needing to step in and do something about it.

(Let me enlighten Dylan and people of the world like Dylan: Black culture and black subculture is taking over the Internet and being recognized as “cool” and trendy more than ever before. Fcking relax already. Now that the Internet has afford black people to have their own voices and be their own persons, the news media lost its power in being able to suppress varying facets of black people outside of crimes they report-daily).


June 17

Meek reported earlier that morning Roof was asleep in his car and later, drops his brother and Meek off at a lake. Tells them he’s going to catch a movie rather than

Author: OSFMagWriter

Spitfire . Media Maestro . Writing Rhinoceros .