Charleston Church Killer DYLAN ROOF’s Personal Website’s Manifesto, Frame of Reference and Thinking, Footprints, and Last Words Leading Up To Day of Planned Massacre of 9 Bible Study Members

‘Nazi party: “We must secure the existence of our people and a future for white children.” The eighth letter of the alphabet is H, and in celebration of keeping hate alive; 88 is said to stand for “Hail Hitler!”



March 25

Roof cops a squad down on his knees at Elmwood Cemetery in Columbia, South Carolina where Confederate war dead lay to rest.


April 3:

Happy Birthday Dylan!

According to his grandfather, with the money he received for his birthday from his family, Roof used it to buy a .45 caliber Glock pistol (registered/legal).


April 13:

Dylan cops a squad down to his knees again while taking a pic in front of Boone Hall Plantation (in Charleston)-noted as one of America’s oldest plantations and original slave headquarters.




April 17

Dylan takes a picture of his pretty lil piece of steel he bought for himself for his birthday.


April 20

Dylan was thuggin’ it hard.

He takes a selfie of himself assuming the position: gun pointed.

Dylan_April20selfied with gun

April 23

Moving right along.

Roof is in James Island, South Carolina at the McLeod Plantation where he stands in front of the main plantation house in front of a sign marking “sacred burial ground for African ancestors,” and behind former slave quarters.

April 24

Dylan stands in front of the Museum of the Library of Confederate History in Greenville, South Carolina.


April 26

After seeing Dylan in his vehicle at Columbiana Centre Mall (where he was told not to return), Dylan was arrested for trespassing (in violation of the one-year ban he was put on-on February 28.

No word on if he was armed that day—with his new gun he took a selfie with and of. I just don’t see him not having it with him. According to what happened on February 28 and be arrested and asking to not come back for a year, obviously he had unfinished business with

Author: OSFMagWriter

Spitfire . Media Maestro . Writing Rhinoceros .