Category: CH6: Money/Business Tips, Gems, Hacks, and Resources for a better quality of life + other informative news you can use!
Workplace Warning Signs That Your Employee Needs Coaching Or Counseling + Meet A CEO Managing (Therefore-Recognizes) Both
In lieu of what happened in Virginia yesterday (back in August 2015) some questions are being raised, dialogue is being…
OSFMagWriter 10 years ago
The Power of “Not Yet” Vs. The Tyranny of “Now!”: The Difference Between the FIXED v. GROWTH Mindset
A good TED Talk I came across about something that we can teach our children (and as adults-something we can…
OSFMagWriter 10 years ago
Light Bulb Moment: Light Up Your Life The Old Fashioned ‘Soft White’ Way- Those New Spiral Shaped Bulbs Will Kill You Softly
You’ve probably read in my writing/work about how much I cannot and will not function without options and I absolutely,…
OSFMagWriter 10 years ago