sort of “Footloose” (the movie) type of situation whereby state (Miss

issippi) law prohibits gyrating in establishments where alcohol is served.
A club owner in Mississippi had to cancel an appearance by Big Freedia because they official threatened big fines if Big Feedia perform his (patented) twerking dance on stage-situation given the name “Twerkloose” by Big Freedia.
Due in court March 16th on the federal charges, Big Freedia faces up to 10 years in prison, a 250k fine and possible forfeiture of any property equivalent to the amount of the vouchers he received during 2010-2014.
Claiming the ‘hotsauce in her bag swag’ type of mistake was merely an oversight, Big Freedia asserts that rather than intentional, the situation was an oversight and had this to say:
“This is an incredibly unfortunate situation. I was on subsidized housing for many years before my financial situation changed. I quickly found myself in a new economic structure and, frankly, knew little about how to handle my money. It wasn’t until recently (after I had stopped receiving housing vouchers) that it became very clear I had received assistance to which I wasn’t entitled. It was an oversight—but one that I take full responsibility for. From the moment I was contacted by Government agents, I have fully cooperated and have already begun making arrangements to pay full restitution (of approximately $34,000).

“Housing vouchers are a vital lifeline for many people I know in New Orleans and around the country, including struggling artists. I truly believe there needs to be more programs for artists and musicians to teach basic financial literacy and planning. Coming from where I came from, I know that I could have used that kind of assistance. I’m exploring ways to be a part of the solution in this area and am looking forward to putting this matter behind me.”
Too that, I have to agree with Big Freedia as, trying to be a artist (of any kind-writer, performer, dancer) out here in the real world while out on your grind is a ballgame the average person couldn’t
handle. Given how the world view into your art is now on display (which-even if you don’t want to) you have to do nowadays, an artist’s work and perceived fame may far exceed what they are actually bring in-consistently.
That being the case, if an artist is making money, but not consistently, they make get a lump sum check that still, they may never see. That money may have to go right back into the setup and business of what they are doing. And then they are grinding and starving but on display and perceived as “famous” therefore “rich” (or got more than the average person). And that may or may not be true.
Sometimes, when artists aren’t making consistent money, (and they have no one investing in them) they also have to go to work.
An artist (when they are serious about their craft and truly believe in themselves) may have 15 jobs in year.
Fourteen of those 15 jobs will be because the “regular” people on the job have done what everybody does today: SNOOP AND GOOGLE…then viola!
All hell breaks lose: The envy claws, nitpicking and drama begins as, that artist is basically (on the job) perceived to be somebody who has no business ‘there’ (wherever that regular job may be).
And before you know it (given countless scenarios I personally could give you during my grind time) they’ll be caught up in soooooooooooo many silly, contrived, intentional on the job scenarios to simply done to harass them, break their spirit and too, even make the news with them or go viral (by starting sh/t with them).
Don’t forget: “Regular people” want attention and 15 minutes of fame, too…
And this artist sitting at that job is an easy