An Imitation of Life: How White Woman RACHEL DOLEZAL Lived + Lived a Lie As A Black Woman Successfully………Successfully

record for meticulously doing anything against any person in need of its services and (by her accord) been met with resistance or negligence, there is really no harm in this foul.

However, passing in life—that is another psychological issue altogether.


Granted, there are plenty of other jobs to have gone for other than work at the NAACP so in considering the fact that she chose to work there (in conjunction with her change of identity) that does indeed raise a red-flag.

As far as the college students being “scarred” or even “hurt”: grow-up and get over it. It’s not that deep (such that her decision to lie about who she was cost them anything).

rachel university page

But as far as her going so far as to become a professor teaching Africana Studies, there are colleges all over the United States filled with white professors teaching African studies, so yes, in conjunction with her identity change + job at the NAACP + career electing to be an Africana Studies professor, that is certainly a cause for concern.


BUT if she did not purposely stand in the way of anybody’s due process (as ombudsman chair or NAACP head) and if she did not meticulously harm anybody during her career while under the

Author: OSFMagWriter

Spitfire . Media Maestro . Writing Rhinoceros .