$88M Powerball Winner MARIE HOLMES Summoned To Court For Threatening/Harassing After Girl Exposes Her Online + Why People Do Things Like Such To People Like Such

“getting around.”

Marie-HolmesIf $88 million dollars wasn’t enough to make him want to change how he respected his fiancé (and one year old child’s mother), then pretty much nothing will.

Why do people do people like such like such?

Often times, the issue is this.

Whether a person is just found attractive by many, rich,smart,  famous, popular, or whatever “worldly” redeemable or enviable quality they have, possess (or won); there will be a whole sleuth of people who either already envied them or took on a newfound brand of envy at their new rich, smart, famous, popular (or lottery winning life).

For people like that, the only way to cope is to do just what that chick did on the video tape-it’s a coping mechanism for envy and coveting: Humiliate you. Another way is to take interest in you only to discover what, and where your weakness, deficits are, and what you lack in other areas, so they can put it out there or to, or at you,  or @ you…that where you got these (redeemable qualities), they’ve got this other thing over you.

Some people just aren’t content unless they have a one-up on someone who (in their eyes and subconscious) is too ‘high’ up and over them-so they either revel in thinking you’re feeling down (or they’ll bring you down themselves). That’s just how the nature of human envy or the self-induced superiority complex fight works-how envious people who feel inferior cope. They stay around or in search of something about you that they can latch onto to feel superior. (And sometimes before they get too happy with that and take things too far into places that comfort their egos and minds that aren’t true for you…you gotta put ‘em in check to let ‘em know)…


…You get my drift.


So where you are either:
• beautiful/good looking and/orNew-Powerball-Winner
• smart and/or
• famous and/or
• rich and/or
• (a new lottery winner)

…the “ ‘He or She’ May be Such And Such To You But Aint Sh/t To Me” game is never too far behind. And they almost always come from people:
• of closest proximity to you in your personal life (or online)
• friends turned foes
• friends who are foes posing as friends
• family
• or even your girlfriend, boyfriend *or “fiancé”)

…who wishes to maintain his, or her rep or “sense of self” against all your shine, savings or success. And in order to do that, they will insist to themselves (and the world and others) that your beauty, and/or your fame, and/or your intelligence, and/or your money aint sh/t to them and neither are you. It’s a coping mechanism for their self-induced inferiority complex and they have to humiliate you or belittle you or try and make you feel little in order for themselves to feel good.

marie-holmesOften times, little stuff like this happening is typically hauled off in some lil’ Carolina town and tucked safely away from the world.

Unfortunately, (now) such a occurrence can (now) travel farther since (now) we can log online and be fed the real-time/unfiltered messy, mean and dirty on people’s lives we want to know about……………especially when they have something we don’t, but want.


Author: OSFMagWriter

Spitfire . Media Maestro . Writing Rhinoceros .