Nothing’s better than having options.
I insist on options whether personal or professional because be it business or personal, people or companies don’t know how to play fair when they or it is the only option. No matter how good the intent, it due time, its something in the psychology of knowing that if your company (or you) are the only option with the supply in demand that just won’t let you play right. Nobody’s above that form of abuse of power.
Well for those who like options with their entertainment, the FCC is unlocking the box.
FCC Chairman Tom Wheeler just announced today that you no longer have to get cable through companies like Time Warner ATT UVerse. Soon you will be able to get it through Apple TV, Fire TV, Android TV and Roku boxes (I believe Amazon is already offering Firestick).
Today, there is limited competition in set-top boxes. When competition exists, prices go down and innovation goes up. #Unlockthebox 2/5
— Tom Wheeler (@TomWheelerFCC) February 16, 2016
Congress mandated that consumers should have options. But for 20 yrs since that mandate, they haven’t. I want to fix that. #UnlockTheBox 3/5
— Tom Wheeler (@TomWheelerFCC) February 16, 2016
We want to obey the law that says consumers must have choices to access programming & create opportunity for competition. #UnlockTheBox 4/5
— Tom Wheeler (@TomWheelerFCC) February 16, 2016
What happens after that? That’s for the market and good old, all-American competition to decide. #UnlockTheBox 4/5
— Tom Wheeler (@TomWheelerFCC) February 16, 2016
Obviously a setup like such will level the playing field and force cable companies to be more competitive with their prices-giving customers more options that one or few.
If you pay for the TV content, you should have choices in how you access it. #UnlockTheBox
— Tom Wheeler (@TomWheelerFCC) February 12, 2016
This is great news. As, I am
Spitfire .
Media Maestro .
Writing Rhinoceros .