This Apple v. U.S Government issue is getting more and more rotten by the day.
If you didn’t know already, Apple is its own entity, program and operating system separate from Android and the (few) other technology titans. The leading tech company right now has found itself up against the U.S Government by being asked to do what they call in the streets: snitch.
Snitching in the world technology (in this case) is: allowing the government to bypass certain encryptions to allow them into the phone having belonged to one of the San Bernadino shooters Syed Rizwan Farook who, along with his wife Tashfeen Malik went on a shooting rampage at Inland Regional Center-the facility by which Syed Farook was employed.
On December 2, 2015, Syed was video taped participating in a holiday party at the special needs vocational center. He pardoned himself and about thirty minutes later, came back (with his wife Tashfeeen) riddling the place with bullets-killing 14 people.
Both Farook and Malik (leaving a newborn of their own behind) were eventually killed by police officers following the gunfight that too, ensued after the killings.
Well in addition to one child left behind, a search of Malik and Farook’s home and belongings included one thing that the U.S government thinks may be of some value to this investigation: Farook’s Apple iPhone 5C cell phone-given to him by his employer. Although the employer granted permission and turned the phone over, officials are having a tough time getting Apple to agree to let them in it.
Despite their being no doubt about whodunit, and too, their connection/being interested in joining/associated with ISIS, the government still wants in that phone yet, Apple is nearly giving up nothing but the silence like a scene and lines of the first verse straight out of a Fugees song:
I used to work at Burger King. A king taking orders
Punching my clock. Now I’m wanted by the manager
Soupin me up sayin:
“You’re a good worker. How would you like a quarter raise, move up the register. Large in charge, but cha gotta be my spy. Come back and tell me who’s baggin my fries. Getting high on company time.”
Why should I be a spy, when you’re spying me?
And you see whatcha thought ya saw but never seen
Ya missed ya last move, Checkmate! Crown me King
We’re now going on about 5 or so days into this literal power struggle and Apple still isn’t giving in-it insists that basically opening up such doors could open up doors to other trust issues they pretty much don’t want on their hands coming from their millions of phones in their entrusting customers hands.
Basically, Apple feels this is a gateway for more troubles to come by which they / their company will be looked at as the catalyst in allowing to happen. Customers may very well feel insecure (about what’s left of their privacy being compromised upon request of government).
Although there is no guarantee anything useful information will be found on Farook’s phone, the government still wants it. Apple is not giving the encryption code up to let them in.
Should you (a smart phone user whether it be Apple, Android, or Windows), care? Some say yes you should-and here’s why…
The government is tired of waiting around on Apple to bend and, reportedly-today, has filed a motion with the Department of Justice to force Apple to comply by the February 26, 2016 deadline.
Connect to learn more about this story via LATimes brought to you by our sister site .
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