50 CENT Keeps His Ears to the Sleek: Ordered to Pay Headphone Maker $16 Mill

Beats by  Dre Pay.

Well 50 Cent is known for making money securing several deals with everything from shoes to water and now it seems that this next revelation is one such that can make any body pull a Sweet Brown and yell out the man’s name who takes his shoes and walks on it: “Oh Lord Jesus” …50 Cent is ordered to fork over $16 million dollars to earphone manufacturer: Sleek Audio over a legal court battle that has been going on for three years now in a U.S District Court in Miami.

download (9) Federal courts records show that the rapper a.k.a Curtis Jackson is ordered to pay (not: being sued for or accused) the Bradenton earphone maker the whopping $16 million because of a failed partnership in which they were to produce a line of headphones endorsed by the rappers brand [name] but instead, while still a Sleek partner, Jackson is accused of stealing the designs of the earphones he asked Sleek to conceptualize, but cut them off and used the similar design under the “50-Over” line [with another manufacturer].

Curtis Jackson III / 50 [Cent], is ordered to pay Sleek Audio nearly $4.5 million in attorney fees + $11.7 million in damages.

Oh Lord Jesus it’s a headphone!

50centpicture-13  We’re sure $16 million is nothing but mere Applesauce to a boss, especially with friends pi$$ing money like his paid pal Money Mayweather.


Source: MSNMusic

Author: OSFMagWriter

Spitfire . Media Maestro . Writing Rhinoceros .