That being the case, what we women head to the store to put in our carts and cases may, or may not carry everything from candy bars to candy canes and cotton candy nail polish; but you gotta admit, two 19 year-old guys (Ashton Onesko and Luke Buchy) starting a subscription service like such via their social media account (conceived by Buchy’s sister) doing some heavy thinking, for a varying monthly “care package” theme and a monthly charge of the $12.99-34.99 for [“The PMS Package”], it’s certainly a different, cute consideration to toy with: Period.
Now whether or not hot topic of that day by XOJane women-centered blogsite (who I remember in 2013; brought a rather tongue-in-cheek-take on it and story to life) about that time in a woman’s monthly life when her body is doing its business to clean itself and make room for life (and lovin’) that while in the process of, makes it virtually impossible to conceive does seem like an awesome time (for a man) to steal away with play without (for some men) the pressure and others (the impatience) of the build up of pleasure of below the belt foreplay-compounded with the fact he gets auto-wetness without effort and she can’t get
pregnant; that’s all the reason to take this job and shove it—for some women, some women that is…while others like to still go with the notion and belief that “decoded DNA” menstrual blood being the “different” (slash) oxygenated (slash) purest blood there is running through a woman’s body believed to be ritualistically the gold of the Gods,” who though (like me) wouldn’t DARE let a man interrupt her special time of the month to clean her spirit (Tip 1) and would definitely frown upon one who’d want to involve his urethra and only spirit “opening” in those bloody goings on.
Surely he must be as messy in his sexual life and of sexual indiscretions amok to want to involve his spirit in a fresh, rich supply of spiral arteries and sloughed, stromal glandular tissue that no-isn’t exactly oxygenated, decoded DNA but rather-cells (in the form of blood) in the layer being pushed out by the fresh supply of blood a.k.a menstruation: Period.
So no (with a condom and especially without) #PeriodsAreNotAnInsult any more than if a woman respects the self cleaning oven that her body is and is trying to do for her at that time-she knows that for those few days it’s not an entry any more than thou shall take in its literal form: the word “yeast” and consider her (infected) yeast from her very own self-cleaning oven to use as food yeast to bake bread—like feminist blogger Zoe Stavvri did.
Stavvri, obvious feeling like Betty Crocker Cocker one day this week decided to take the itch from her ditch and upon herself to watch bread bake from the yeast of it, then hashtag and brand it #cuntsourdough. It then goes viral and she caught hell from that very kitchen she stood in and should had been very well prepared to take to heat from, for dishing such a thing.
And as a lover of it with one below myself, between the use of the words “box,” “coochie,” and “kitty” (to describe a grown woman’s vagina pu$$y) I’m straddled where, in this triangle I can